
KUE-CHIP2 and KUE-CHIP2 educational board
Instruction set for KUE-CHIP2
Assembly Syntax
Instruction Set
Function of Shift and Rotate Instructions
Flag Functions
Quick Instruction Code Chart
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Flag Functions

All excerpts are from the "KUE-CHIP2 Educational Board Reference Manual"

CF: Carry Flag, VF: oVerflow Flag, NF: Negative Flag, ZF: Zero Flag

MnemonicOutline of instruction functions Effect on Execution Post-execution status
NOPNo OPeration ---- ----
HLTHaLT ---- ----
OUTOUTput ---- ----
ININput ---- ----
RCFReset Carry Flag ---- 0---
SCFSet Carry Flag ---- 1---
SRAShift Right Arithmetically ---- b00NZ
SLAShift Left Arithmetically ---- b7VNZ
SRLShift Right Logically ---- b00NZ
SLLShift Left Logically ---- b70NZ
RRARotate Right Arithmetically b7--- b00NZ
RLARotate Left Arithmetically b0--- b7VNZ
RRLRotate Right Logically ---- b00NZ
RLLRotate Left Logically ---- b70NZ
LDLoaD ---- ----
STSTore ---- ----
SBCSuBtract with Carry c--- CVNZ
ADCADd with Carry c--- CVNZ
SUBSUBtract ---- -VNZ
EORExclusive OR ---- -0NZ
OROR ---- -0NZ
ANDAND ---- -0NZ
CMPCoMPare ---- -VNZ
BABranch Always ---- ----
BVFBranch on oVerFlow -VF-- ----
BNZBranch on Not Zero ---
BZBranch on Zero ---ZF ----
BZPBranch on Zero or Positive --
- ----
BNBranch on Negative --NF- ----
BPBranch on Positive --
BZNBranch on Zero or Negative --NF∨ZF ----
BNIBranch on No Input ---- ----
BNOBranch on No Output ---- ----
BNCBranch on Not Carry
--- ----
BCBranch on Carry CF--- ----
BGEBranch on Greater than or Equal -
- ----
BLTBranch on Less Than -VF⨁NF- ----
BGTBranch on Greater Than -
BLEBranch on Less than or Equal -(VF⨁NF)∨ZF ----

Effect on Execution†

Post-execution status‡