
KUE-CHIP2 Simulator User's Manual
1. Overview
2. Display subsystem
3. Control subsystem
4. Entry of program
5. Entry of data
6. Execution of program
7. Filling, editing and saving memory
8. Editing registers and flags
9. Setting a breakpoint
10. Logging of execution history

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All operations from entry of a program to its execution are identical with the real KUE-CHIP2 educational CPU board. However, following four points differ from it.

  1. Entry method of a program and data using Memory Editor.
  2. Editing method of a value of a register and a flag.
  3. Visualization for internal operation by block diagram.
  4. Displaying execution history of a user program on a Log Window.

This KUE-CHIP2 simulator consists mainly of two subsystems.

Display subsystem
This subsystem displays internal conditions such as registers and flags in KUE-CHIP2 on some LEDs and seven-segment displays.
Control subsystem
This subsystem controls the operation of the KUE-CHIP2 simulator.

You can see the conditions of simulator on the display subsystem at upper half of display area, and operate it through the control subsystem at lower half of that. You can also invoke some utilities, such as Memory Editor, from the control subsystem.

About Menu

Applet Edition displays a menu as a separated window at startup. This is because applet cannot have a menu bar. If the menu window appears at wrong size, please resize it manually into appropriate size.

Stand-alone Eition has a menu at the top of a window.