
KUE-CHIP2 Simulator User's Manual
1. Overview
2. Display subsystem
3. Control subsystem
4. Entry of program
5. Entry of data
6. Execution of program
7. Filling, editing and saving memory
8. Editing registers and flags
9. Setting a breakpoint
10. Logging of execution history

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Logging of Execution History

First, click a LOG button on the control subsystem to open a Log Window. To begin logging, select [Start Log] from [Log] menu on the window. All execution histories will be displayed in the window. The menu item changes into [Stop Log] while the logging. You can stop the logging by clicking [Stop Log].

You can clear all contents of the log window by selecting [Clear Log] from [Log] menu.

In Stand-alone Edition, you can save the contents of the log window by selecting [Save Log...] from [File] menu.