
KUE-CHIP2 Simulator User's Manual
1. Overview
2. Display subsystem
3. Control subsystem
4. Entry of program
5. Entry of data
6. Execution of program
7. Filling, editing and saving memory
8. Editing registers and flags
9. Setting a breakpoint
10. Logging of execution history

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Filling, Editing and Saving Memory

The dialog box on the right will appear when you select [Operation...] from [Memory] menu.

You can modify memory by following three operations from this dialog box. Select one of three radio buttons.

Fill Memory
You can fill memory range (from Start address: to End address:) with a value Data:.
Move Memory
You can move memory range (from Start address: to End address:) to destination address Move to:. After this operation, the source memory range will be filled with zero.
Copy Memory
You can copy memory range (from Start address: to End address:) to destination address Copy to:.
In Stand-alone Edition, you can save all memory into a file by selecting [Save Memory...] from [File] menu. This file is read into memory by selecting [Open...] from [File] menu.